How does your community find you?

Limited resources, and shoestring budgets make it hard for churches to rank on Google, and reach people on social media. Digital Outreach provides a new way.





Potential visitor searches on Google for “church near me” and your church is nowhere to be found. They never find your church.

Now your church has an informative, friendly, welcoming ad on page 1 of Google. Now the visitor has found your church and can learn more.

A volunteer in your church manages your social media accounts. Posts are infrequent, quality is fair, and few people outside the church see them.

Social media awareness ad campaigns reach thousands of new people, are professionally designed, and invite your community to join you on Sunday.

Your church has great, community friendly events, but you struggle to get the word out and attendance is regularly lower than you’d hope.

Now those great events are reaching your neighbors through social media event campaigns and helping to draw new people from the community.

Hotspot Testing

Laptop sitting on the desk showing website analytics, and representing what you can learn about in our Learning Center

Potential visitor searches on Google for "church near me"
and your church is nowhere to be found. They never find your church.

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